We believe that serving others is one of the greatest ways to live out our faith. Jesus gave us this example during His ministry on earth and then told His followers to do the same. This trip is all about serving: caring for the team, meeting a physical need, and serving Jesus.
It is rare to have the opportunity to change someone’s life by providing for them in such a tangible way. This trip gives students the opportunity to build houses for families in need. You don’t need any prior building experience. You will be trained, prepared, and equipped for the work. Our team will also run a VBS for children during each building day. Even though you will be giving up your time and money for this trip, you will receive far more for yourself by joining in God’s Kingdom work.
Register below and be part of this life-changing experience as we come together to serve, build, and share hope with the families of Tijuana. This is more than just a trip—it’s an opportunity to make a lasting impact and grow in faith and community. This Mexico GO Trip will be April 12-19, 2025.

Mexico Fundraising Dinner
March 14 | 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Help support our Mexico GO team by attending our Mexico Fundraising Dinner! Guests will have the opportunity to bid on live auction items and raffles while enjoying dinner. Childcare is available! Tickets go on sale February 9.
Date and Time: March 14, 6:30–8:00 p.m.
Price: $30 per person; $200 for a table of 8; $5 per child

Amor Ministries
We partner with Amor Ministries for this trip. Amor Ministries has been building houses in Tijuana and Tecate for over 40 years. Their mission is to serve families in the name of Jesus by meeting the physical need of housing. Amor partners with local pastors in Mexico who continue to serve and minister to these families long after our team leaves.
Mexico Fundraising Dinner
March 14 | 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Help support our Mexico GO team by attending our Mexico Fundraising Dinner! Guests will have the opportunity to bid on live auction items and raffles while enjoying dinner. Childcare is available! Tickets go on sale February 9.
Date and Time: March 14, 6:30–8:00 p.m.
Price: $30 per person; $200 for a table of 8; $5 per child
Amor Ministries
We partner with Amor Ministries for this trip. Amor Ministries has been building houses in Tijuana and Tecate for over 40 years. Their mission is to serve families in the name of Jesus by meeting the physical need of housing. Amor partners with local pastors in Mexico who continue to serve and minister to these families long after our team leaves.
Is the trip safe?
We take every precaution to make sure students are in safe environments during both our travel and our stay in Mexico. Obviously, we cannot account for every unforeseen scenario. Amor has a great relationship with the Mexican government and our group will be very welcomed by the community.
What does transportation look like?
We travel in personal vehicles and church buses driven by adult team members.
Where does the team sleep?
Amor has a private campsite that has 24-hour security. We will leave the campsite each morning and return while there still is daylight. Team members will sleep in tents which are provided. A packing list will be given out at a team meeting.
What does the worksite look like?
The worksites are all located in neighborhoods. On day one it will just be a flat piece of dirt but by the end, you will see a house. The team will stay on the worksite during the day. Most of the time the family and neighbors will stop by to chat. It is a very friendly community and our teams are welcomed.
Do I need building experience?
You do not need any prior building experience. Amor has been leading teams of high schoolers for 40 years. Team members will learn concrete, forming, roofing, and stucco skills while on site.
What will we be eating?
You will probably eat better during this trip than during a regular week at home. We bring a kitchen team that cooks breakfast and dinner each day. We will pack lunches for the worksites. During travel days, team members will buy their own meals.
What if I have a scheduling conflict?
We know that sometimes there are plans that cannot be changed. We want to work with each team member if they have a schedule conflict with one of the mandatory meetings. Please contact Rachel with any conflicts at relson@rivercitychristian.org. That being said, this is not a camp. It is a global outreach trip. As a member of the team you are committing to do your best to make church attendance and team meetings a priority.
Is there any financial help?
We don’t want money to be a reason for a student not to serve. There are several fundraising activities that team members can participate in to help cover their costs. If you have more questions about finances, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the church.